Thursday, September 30, 2010

Metric System... Yes or No?

Honestly, i dont think that the US should switch tot he metric system. Changing the systems will make it more difficult and more confusing. Also, it would've been useless and confusing to everyone. Measurements we use now are inches, feet, meters, millimeters, decimeters, and etc. We should just stick to this measurement and not cause anymore difficulties.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Biology Blog.

I dont believe that non carbon based life forms are possible to be alive, because everything in this world is full of carbon. We breathe in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide. Also, plants take in carbon dioxide. Carbon is all over the place. Every living thing needs carbon to be alive.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Goals

My goals for Biology class are to always take notes so I can keep track, always pay attention, be on task, never to slack off, try my hardest to get straight A's. I want this class to be fun. & I also want to be successful in this class so in the future i can reach my goal all the way to the top.